
Become a Supporter

What is in it for you?

A warm glow! Many people tell me they become a supporter as a way of thanking me for the content they have found valuable on this site and also as a way of helping keep it alive.

This website is offered free to use. It always has been. But it does cost money to operate. Domain renewal fees, hosting and a website security service add up and are on a rising trend.

For no more than the price of a cup of coffee each month, you will greatly help in keeping the site afloat.

What it doesn’t do

I do not develop content that is only available to supporters. This may be something I will consider in future but not now.

Becoming a supporter does not get you access to any military records.

How to become a supporter

For full details click on the Patreon image below.

Roll of honour

I am very grateful for the support of the following, who enable this site to continue to be provided free of charge to users:

Long term supporters

The following have kindly provided financial support over a long period of time before I added the Patreon system:

Sean Godfrey
Dr. Rich Willis

Supporters (via the Patreon system)

Mary Arnold
Alex Baker
Alan Baldwin
Frank Baldwin
Jeremy Banning
Phillip Baxter
Baxters Battlefield Tours
Simon Bendry
Christine Bickley
Richard Bird
Phil Brown
Marie Caffrey
David Carter
Roy Casey
Genevra Charsley and Jacques Ryckebosch
Rita Clarke
Heather Cohen
Paul Colbourne
Audrey Collins
Mike Cunha
Kelvin Dakin
Tim Dale
Jonathan Davy
Patrick Dawson
Karen Dennis
Roger Dowson
Mark Dunn
Paul Durham
Jonathan Dyer
Russ Edwards
Keith Fazzani
Simon Fielding
Barbara Fisher
Maureen Fitzgerald
Michael Fitzgerald
James Forbes
Louise Gibson
Dudley Giles
Robin Goldsmith
Sandra Goodship
Sharon Grant
Andrew Grantham
Stephen Gray
John Greenham
Adrian Gregson
Michael Haigh
Andrew Hamilton
Steve Hammond
Ed Hanley
John Harris
Richard Hendry
Steven Henman
Roger Hildreth
Ivor Holden
Andrew Holmes
Jo Hook
Nicholas Hooper
Lynelle Howson
Ann Hunter
Robert Hunter
Linda Hutton
Jenni Illien
Neil Janas
Barbara Johnson
Lorraine Johnson, Waymark Genealogy
Paul Johnson
Roderick Johnston
Judith Jones
Paula Jones
Roger Joye
V M Kane
Stephen Laccohee
Alan Laishley
Mike Langdon
Kay Leigh
Sarah Leigh
Maureen Lester
Peter Lester
Bernard Lewis
Malcolm Linham
Andy Lock
Denise Lucas
Adrian Maasz
Michael MacCurdy
Alasdair Mackie
Mick Manise
Philip Manley
Nigel Marshall
Wayne McDonald
Iain McRobbie
Nick Metcalfe
Angela Miles
Bob Missen
Richard Morgan
Dr. Eve Morrison
Mike Morrison
Seb Neal
Charles Noble
Michael Nugent
Ben Orme
Russell Parker
David Parmee
David Philp
Grant Pinkerton
John Pitchford
Natalie Poulton
Antony Prince
Andy Pritchatt
Neil Pudney
Mark Rae
Ian Riley
Robert Russell
Ian Rutherford
Sandy Ryan
Jacques Ryckebosch and Genevra Charsley
Diana Sant Angelo
Sarah Scarlett
David Sewell
Keith Slade
Jeff Slater
Fionnghuala Smith
Patricia Smith
Peter Smith
Rick Smith
Jim Smithson
Alex Sotheran
Jeffrey Spencer
Gary Stevenson
Carol Stewart
David Stichbury
Jo Strudwick
Frank Toogood
Malcolm Trickey
Gary Vernon
Thomas Waszak
Mike Wells
Jon Williams (Jon the Tour Guy)
Michael Wilmot
Julian Whippy
Dr Rich Willis
Matthew Wright
Keith Young

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