And in this instance, it is the paid research service from which I have made a living since 2007, and doing it as a part-time adjunct to my former career for much longer. Over the years, it has gone by the names of Great War Family Research, fourteeneighteen, and latterly Chris Baker Military Research.
I have essentially run out of personal capacity. Something had to go. I have tried to keep the paid research going but frankly I have not found a way to keep things balanced. Three years ago now, my wife suffered a severe stroke that has left her physically disabled, and caring for her fills my days. I am also trying – finally, trying – to write two books I have been working on for years. And I still have many of my own research projects. There are just not enough hours in the day to do it all. Oh, and being a grandad now also takes priority!
So, to the (literally) thousands of clients who have trusted me to carry out their research – my sincere thanks. To those museums, archives and individuals that I have had occasion to ask for help along the way, my thanks are also due.