Salonika casualty evacuation chain

The British Salonika Force established its casualty evacuation chain in the same general pattern as that in the other theatres of war and explained at The casualty evacuation chain. The various units along the chain had the same functions as described. A difference is that in Salonika the chain had to deal with a much higher proportion of disease as experienced in other theatres, notably of malarial cases. The chain took a casualty from the fighting fronts towards the cluster of base hospitals around the city-port of Salonika.

Casualty Clearing Stations

25th Casualty Clearing Station (arrived from Gallipoli with 10th (Irish) Division October 1915) was followed by teh arrival of 27th, 28th, 31st, and 40th.

British Official History of Medical Services. The casualty evacuation chain in December 1915. North of Lake Doiran, the medical facilities were in an area that would seen be given up to the Bulgarians and not in allied hands again until September 1918. The locations of the dressing stations can be found in the war diaries of the Field Ambulances and Assistant Directors of Medical Services of the corps and divisions in the theatre of war.

25th Casualty Clearing Station – now at Doiran
27th Casualty Clearing Station – Salonika, Seres road at Lembet
28th Casualty Clearing Stations – not illustrated – 9 miles east of Salonika
31st Casualty Clearing Station – Salonika, Monastir road
40th Casualty Clearing Station – Hortajkoi road

After the advance from the “Birdcage”

As the two corps advanced north and east from the “Birdcage” it was necessary to reconfigure the chain.

British Official History of Medical Services. Forward medical support for the Struma front in October 1916.
British Official History of Medical Services. Forward medical support for the Doiran front in spring 1917.

25th Casualty Clearing Station – moved to Guvesne in Novembe r1916
27th Casualty Clearing Station – moved to near Akbunar in May 1916 and then to Lahana in July 1916
28th Casualty Clearing Station – moved to Janes (Yanesh) in August 1916 but soon afterwards to Karasuouli (Karasuli); returned to Janes in March 1918 and finally to Orovica
31st Casualty Clearing Station – moved to Janes (Yanesh) in August 1916
35th Casualty Clearing Station – Sarigol – had arrived with 60th (2/2nd London) Division in December 1916. It moved to Egypt in June 1917
40th Casualty Clearing Station – moved to Guvezne in June 1916 and on to Orljak (Strumna valley) In November 1916. Moved ro the opposite (wesstern) side of the British sector in June 1918 when it went to Gumendje.

Base Hospitals

New Zealand Stationary Hospital – arrived from Egypt November 1915, went to Karaissi near Lembet. To France March 1916
1st Canadian Stationary Hospital – Lembet. To France August 1917
4th Canadian General Hospital – arrived November 1915, went to Monastir road near Dudular. Moved to Kalamaria May 1916. To England July 1917
28th General Hospital – arrived November 1915, set up close to 4th Canadian on Monastir road
29th General Hospital – arrived December 1915, set up close to 28th. Moved to Kalamaria April 1917.
5th Canadian General Hospital – arrived December 1915, went to Kalamaria. To England July 1917
20th Stationary Hospital – arrived December 1915, to Karaissi. Became a VD specialist unit
21st Stationary Hospital – arrived December 1915, to Karaissi. Moved to Sarigol in 1917
29th Stationary Hospital – arrived June 1916, to Karaissi. To Italy late 1917
30th Stationary Hospital – arrived June 1916, to Karaissi. To Italy late 1917
42nd General Hospital – arrived August 1916, established in orphange at Salonika. Moved to Kalamaria September 1917. Included a dysentery specialist unit
43rd General Hospital – arrived August 1916, went to Kalamaria
18th Stationary Hospital – arrived from Egypt January 1917, to Lembet
48th General Hospital – arrived May 1917, to Eurenjik
49th General Hospital – arrived May 1917, to Anakli. Included an enteric specialist unit
52nd General Hospital – arrived June 1917, to Kalamaria
60th General Hospital – arrived June 1917, to Hortajkoi
66th General Hospital – arrived July 1917, to Hortajkoi. To Italy late 1917
68th General Hospital – arrived July 1917, to Lembet. Became 49th Stationary Hospital
67th General Hospital – arrived August 1917, to Uchantar. Tto Karaburun near Salonika mid-1918
61st General Hospital – arrived from Malta July-August 1917, to Uchantar. Moved to Hortajkoi spring 1918
62nd General Hospital – arrived from Malta July-August 1917, to Uchantar. To Italy late 1917
63rd General Hospital – arrived from Malta July-August 1917, to Durbend Pass on Seres road
64th General Hospital – arrived from Malta July-August 1917, to Akbunar
65th General Hospital – arrived from Malta July-August 1917, to Hortajkoi. To Mesopotamia late 1917
80th General Hospital – arrived March 1918, to Hortajkoi
82nd General Hospital – arrived June 1918, to Karaburun near Salonika
48th Indian General Hospital – arrived late 1918, to Uchantar
(1st) Convalescent Depot – at Karaissi from early 1916, near 21st Stationary Hospital
2nd Convalescent Depot – at Karaissi from September 1916
4th Convalescent Depot – at Karaissi. used as a concentration camp for malarial cases being sent to England via Itea
Various other convalescent camps came into existence, including one at Corfu

Britiish Official History of Medical Services. Facilities in the Salonika city area in 1918.


17th Motor Ambulance Convoy (arrived November 1915)
7th Motor Ambulance Convoy (arrived from France January 1916)
9th Motor Ambulance Convoy (arrived from France January 1916)
32nd Motor Ambulance Convoy (arrived September 1916)
34th Motor Ambulance Convoy (arrived November 1916)
38th Motor Ambulance Convoy (arrived May 1917)

41st Ambulance Train (arrived December 1915)
42nd Ambulance Train (arrived December 1915)
52nd Ambulance Train (arrived March 1918)
53rd Ambulance Train (arrived March 1918)


The Salonika campaign

The casualty evacuation chain