Service records from Veterans Agency – what do you receive?

Service records available from the Ministry of Defence Veterans Agency

If the soldier continued in service to 1921 or later (and the possibility of his re-enlisting in 1919 for just one or a few years service should not be ignored: thousands did so) or if he returned to serve in the army in WW2, his record will not yet be public. It can be obtained – on payment of a fee and demonstration of evidence of kinship – from the Veteran’s Agency: link to their website

In 2014, the Ministry of Defence released under a Freedom of Information Act request an index to the records that they still hold of men with dates of birth before 1901: link to index

But what will you receive? It depends on your status as an applicant.

Restrictions on data that will be released

This information is based on a letter being issued by the Army Personnel Centre to applicants in 2020:

Covering letter. This was received after submission of an application in February 2020. It took ten months before the record was received.
This is the attachment outlining the restrictions on information that will be supplied. It appears rather disappointing, but a recent example that I have received did include copies of the key Great War documents.


How to research a soldier

How to find army service records