
The British Army of 1914-1918

in which are included details of the forces of India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the West Indies and Newfoundland.

This page is a gateway to much detailed information. Follow the links below:

The Regiments and Corps
If for example you want to know about the units of the Royal Artillery, Hussars, Machine Gun Corps or South Staffordshire Regiment

The Order of Battle of Divisions
If for example you want to know which units were in the 9th (Scottish) Division or something about the history of the Division

Other aspects of the Order of Battle
If for example you wish to know about the higher command and direction of the army, or the ORBATs of Armies and Corps

Definitions of units
If you want to know about the size and composition of any type of unit

Imperial War Museum image Q5834. British troops marching over a newly-constructed pontoon bridge over the River Somme at Peronne, 22 March 1917.
Imperial War Museum image Q5834. British troops marching over a newly-constructed pontoon bridge over the River Somme at Peronne, 22 March 1917.