Timeline of May 1917

British troops at a well in Tilloy (a village in the Arras area captured early in the Battle of Arras in April 1917) on 26 May 1917. From the Ministry of Information First World War Official Collection at the Imperial War Museum, copyright image Q2218,with my thanks.
British troops at a well in Tilloy (a village in the Arras area captured early in the Battle of Arras in April 1917) on 26 May 1917. From the Ministry of Information First World War Official Collection at the Imperial War Museum, copyright image Q2218,with my thanks.

May 1917

2First United States destroyer flotilla arrives at Queenstown (now Cobh) in Cork, Ireland
2Third Battle of the Scarpe and the Battle of Bullecourt (both parts of the Battle of Arras) begin. Scarpe soon over but there is protracted fighting for Bullecourt
4French forces recapture Craonne on the Chemin des Dames ridge
5Battle of Vardar begins in Macedonia, lasts to 22 May
7First night air raid on London - a single aircraft, by moonlight
9First Battle of Doiran (now Dojran) ends in Salonika
10Major General John J. Pershing appointed to command United States Expeditionary Force
12Tenth Battle of the Isonzo begins
14British warships down German airship L22 in North Sea
15Fourteen British drifters are sunk in Straits of Otranto as British and Austrian naval forces clash
15Major change in French command as Petain suceeds Nivelle as Commander-in-Chief of Northern and North-Eastern Army Groups and Foch succeeds Petain as Chief of the General Staff
16Kerenski succeeds Guchkov as Russian Minister of War
17Honduras severs diplomatic relations with Germany
17British Admiralty appoints a committee to draw up a plan to convoy merchant shipping
18Compulsory Service Act becomes law in United States
18Nicaragua severs diplomatic relations with Germany
19Russia provisional government repudiates a separate peace
19United States government announces it will send a Division to France at one
25Heavy casualties (290, more than half civilians) in first great aeroplane raid over England, as German aircraft bomb Folkestone and parts of Kent
26British hospital ship "Dover Castle" sunk by submarine in the Mediterranean
28Anglo-French conference in London discusses attitude of King Constantine of Greece and considers occuptaion of Athens and Thessaly
30General van Deventer succeeds General Hoskins in command of British forces in East Africa


April 1917

June 1917

Chronology of the Great War